Although there is no universally accepted definition of harm reduction, we know that its focus is to minimize negative health, social and legal impacts for individuals. Harm Reduction is grounded in justice and human rights. It’s a no judgement, no discrimination platform for positive change related to alcohol and drug use. Harm reduction is considered revolutionary in the field of addiction treatment and NEX-GENVCP is a revolutionary solution to stay connected with the harm reduction community.
Imagine everyone that utilized harm reduction or mental health services along anyone experiencing homelessness or just living in a disadvantaged situation being able to receive critical, potentially life-saving information or just getting a notification of community events and resources. Imagine just being able to send a positive message to an entire community in need and impacting the one person that is in critical need at that moment and feels hopeless. Simple acts of kindness like this we all know have saved someone’s life in that instant.
NEX-GENVCP is the new tool available that securely connects a community while maintaining privacy. It allows the user to create separate groups by clinical need to assure messaging is client specific and not generalized resulting in loss value. It also allows the user to combine those groups as they all may need to know of a new clothing drop-off or severe weather event that is about to occur or even a concerning new brand of opiate that is resulting in increased overdoses.
Don’t miss out on the benefit of life-saving technology. The feeling of being alone with no communication often results in depression, increased drug and alcohol use and even suicide. The value of NEX-GENVCP is that it has been created by emergency responders that have been on the frontlines of overdoses, suicides and mental health incidents. The emotional impact of these incidents has driven our team to be proactive in finding a solution and expanding harm reduction on a level of creativity not always utilized.